Hey Lady!

Welcome to the Lady Boss Lab, 
a Business Coaching Community for 
Ambitious Women!

We provide a support structure to help you discover new formulas for success!

Discover Your Formula for Success!

“Entrepreneurship is like working in a lab…
It takes a dash of madness, a hint of creativity, and a passion for discovering the unknown.”

the challenges of owning a business

As a business owner you are in charge of EVERYTHING!

That comes with the infamous GRIND resulting in exhaustion, overwhelm, & loss of passion.

It leaves us wanting more, feeling like something is missing and even wrong with us or our business. Ultimately, we feel frustrated, lonely, and overwhelmed.

The Lady Boss Lab is about providing you with a support structure 
to help you grow and get results! 

 You have invested in yourself, in your business, and have a wealth of knowledge & experience. 

The questions are...

Are you putting into practice what you know? 
Are you taking consistent action? 

Most of us lose sight of implementing business strategies and are flying by the seat of our pants, are putting out fires, or have become taskmasters. 

Let us be your Champion... 

to walk alongside you to help you focus, stay accountable, and deal with the challenges of running a business so you take effective action and get the results you deserve.

Schedule a Chemistry Call Today!

 What is the Lady Boss Lab?


We have a proven process that helps women business owners stay connected to what they care about and get results!

Group Coaching Program

Get the support of other experienced businesswomen and leverage their depth of knowledge and expertise, while challenging your views about how business “should” be done. 

Mind Masters in You

Business Planning

Utilize the lab environment to help you think and plan in a way that helps you align your intentions, goals, and actions for the highest return to achieve your business goals.

Mind Masters in You

Business Coaching

Regular one-on-one support calls with a professional coach to help you stay focused and hold you accountable for taking those hard actions that we tend to dislike or avoid.

Take the Next Step to Grow Your Business
and Get the Support You Need

Mind Masters in You

Get a Free Copy of “The 5 Stages of Growing a Small Business”

Mind Masters in You

Schedule a Chemistry Call to see if the
Lady Boss Lab is right for you

Mind Masters in You

Is The Lady Boss Lab Right For You and Your Business?

Lady Boss Lab
Discover your formula
for success!
The Lady Boss Lab Formula for Success

Mindful Matters Blog with Erin

Money Bag Featured

Is it a Financial Investment or an Expense?

Is it a Financial Investment or an Expense? Many entrepreneurs, including myself, can get caught up in the money struggle. Especially today with skyrocketing prices and a struggling economy. When I started my business, I struggled with how to get going with little to no budget. I didn’t know where to spend money that would

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The Lady Boss Lab

The Five C’s of Powerful Entrepreneurship

What are the 5 “C’s” of powerful entrepreneurship? There are several principles I have discovered in my 26 years of coaching and business ownership that I have found foundational for success. The first C is Calling ring, ring…do you hear that? Are you running a business because you think you have a marketable idea? Do

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Lady Boss Lab

Love What You Do!

In a world where there is so much to do, so many available opportunities, and unlimited potential-we are more burned out and overworked than we’ve ever been! In a private survey of over 4,000 professionals, the results show that 74% of people do not feel that they are maximizing their professional potential. Source: Procrastinate on

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Meet Erin Samaniego!

Erin is a Champion for women to grow and prosper. She is also a wife, mother, and successful businesswoman. With over 25 years of experience in business and personal development, Erin has developed effective structures to help people fulfill the goals and results that matter most to them personally, professionally, and financially.

Many business owners get sidetracked and overwhelmed with all of the different hats they have to wear in order to grow a small business. The Lady Boss Lab is the structure for you to focus on the highest pay-off activity needed for you to succeed. “Stop looking for something outside of yourself to be successful and get into action!”

Erin is a champion for YOU to win!