My mentor said to me once, “People underestimate what they can accomplish in the short term, and they overestimate what they can accomplish in the long term.”
I think of that quote every day!
It can be frustrating and overwhelming, chugging along day by day, feeling like you are not getting where you want to be fast enough. I know I felt like that in the beginning. But baby, after three short years, I am so proud of what I’ve accomplished and the amazing work, my clients, are doing in The Lady Boss Lab!!!
It really is true. I remember feeling like I was never going to “get there.” Make enough money, get enough clients…but looking back and in the blink of an eye, I can’t believe it’s already been three years, and we are on the verge of having a waitlist for our programs.
Where have you lost sight of your bigger vision? Are you still trying to do entrepreneurship on your own? Are you where you want to be?
I invite you to keep the above quote in mind because we really can underestimate the power we have. Remember, slow and steady wins the race, and you will “get there” as long as you don’t give up.
Like I always say, “Be the Tortoise”!